Saturday, 22 June 2013


                                    Emmanuel I Ngadaya-The Chairman
I am pleased to welcome you all to TAMSA-SFUCHAS CHAPTER of the St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences (SFUCHAS) a constituent college of St. August University of Tanzania.

Our university college opened a chapter and become a member of Tanzania Medical Students Association in 2010 under the efforts of the first  SFUCSO president - Thomas Swakala and his team. 

First and foremost, I am grateful to almighty God for giving me strength and energyto contest for a chapter chairman position. You are the source of all good things that cometo me. Thank you Lord!

As a newly elected chairman i promise to adhere to the constitution and by laws and work jointly with my fellow elected members (Alphonce Ngerecha, Romanus Shao, Shadrack Nkya and Shaima Mohamed) and all my collegues at SFUCHAS.

I kindly request for your volunteerism and participation in TAMSA-SFUCHAS CHAPTER standing committees in order for our organisation to persue its objectives. our objectives are TAMSA objective and are well explainned within the constitution, i here by request TAMSA members to read and understand the constitution together with the by laws. I am ready to provide assistance whenever there is a doubt.

I am very grateful to my predecessor Mr. Rith Mnyali , Albert Chissamba, Alphonce Ngerecha, David Mbanye and my sister Theresia  for a hard work they have been doing in their period of leadership.My sincere appreciation goes to Mr. Thomas Swakala who is the first president of SFUCSO government and who initiated the process of establishing TAMSA SFUCHAS CHAPTER.

I wish to express my deepest and sincere appreciation to the former President of SFUCSO Mr. Emmanuel Kiberiti and the current SFUCSO president Mr. Fadhili Musa Kalokola for a hard work they  have been doing for SFUCHAS. Keep it up brothers.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to SFUCHAS community for being kind, observant and keen from when i was a deputy Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs up to now, i am who i am because of you.

Lastly but most importantly, I am grateful to all TAMSA-SFUCHAS members and participants who have agreed to participate in TAMSA SFUCHAS CHAPTER activities. Without you, my work will not be possible. Thank you!                                         TO GOD BE THE GLORY! 

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